I love it when it all comes together. Most Sundays go well, but today when it came to worship in song, things went exceptionally well. I love to hear the people of God sing his praises; that is why I learned to play the guitar way back in college. The congregation seriously weighed in this morning. The whole team and that includes the sound techs were on this morning. Brad led with passion and set the tone. I could hear it all; the platform sound was perfect and the team was tight. Teresa led some well timed clapping at the end of You’re Worthy of My Praise and we finished the song strong and in triumph. Aaron inserted some tasteful, well chosen electric guitar riffs to Salt and Light that really added to the song. It was a delight singing and playing to the Glory of God this morning.
Pastor Mark had another gem of a sermon this morning. More serious food for thought from Genesis where Lot is providing real-life examples of how not to do it. The consequences of poor choices can be far reaching!
Here are the songs we did:
-1 You're Worthy of My Praise Opener-Come to Worship
487976 David Ruis ©1993 Maranatha Music
1 Wonderful Maker GITS-Father
3798627 Matt Redman & Chris Tomlin ©2002 EMI Christian Music Kingsway's Thankyou Music
1 We Worship A Wonderful Savior GITS-Jesus
Words & Music © Joel Payne / RESOUNDworship.org, Administered by The Jubilate Group
-1 Wind Of The Spirit Prayer-Holy Spirit
516854 Kerry Eighteen ©1988 Coronation Music
-1 How Great Thou Art V2 Response-To God
Stuart K. Hine: arr. By Charlie Hall
-1 Salt and Light Closer-Evangelism/Missions
3470093 Jan and John L'Ecuyer ©2002 Integrity's Hosanna! Music
MLCC 7/18/2010 Leadsheet
Worship Team for today
Leader/Acoustic Guitar/Vocal – Brad
Electric Guitar – Aaron (nice refurb on the garage sale special!!!)
Bass – Me
Electric Drums – Brian
Vocals – Teresa & Derek
Sound techs – Greg & Rob
Find out what other songs churches are singing at TheWorshipCommunity.com
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