We had an excellent worship service today.
Pastor Mark had a hard hitting sermon today on God’s rescue of Lot from Sodom. Even though Lot is characterized in the New Testament as a righteous man, it is hard to see him as someone who wants to be delivered. He sure drags his feet as God rescues him via his angels; quite a contrast with his uncle Abraham.
Singing went well this morning. Brad led well as his energetic self, the team played and sang well, and most important the congregation was engaged all the way. I am always encouraged by a singing congregation that is praising the Lord.
We had a longer than normal devotional time on Thursday night, almost an hour! Yet we finished practice at the normal time; God always blesses the time we spend in his Word.
Here are the songs we sang:
-1 Shout to the Lord Opener-Come to Worship
1406918 Darlene Zschech ©1993 Hillsongs of Australia, Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
1 Holy, Holy, Holy GITS-Father
120927 Netsa Mumford ©1980 Thank You Music
0 Hosanna in the Highest GITS-Jesus
2286532 Tom Wuest ©1996 Maranatha! Music.
SERMON: Destruction Comes to the Wicked-Deliverance Comes to the Righteous – Genesis 19:1-29
1 Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall Prayer-Holy Spirit
2790475 Steve Merkel ©1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music
-1 Open the Eyes of My Heart Response-Prayer
2298355 Paul Baloche ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music
-1 Every Move I Make Closer-Serve/Obey
1595726 David Ruis ©1996 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing(ASCAP)
MLCC 7/11/2010 Leadsheet
Worship Team for today
Leader/Acoustic Guitar/Vocal – Brad
Bass – Me
Electric Drums – Brian
Vocals – Teresa & Derek
Sound techs – Clint & Rob
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