Sunday Set List #60 6/13/2010

sundaysetlist Sunday went really well today! A real relief after a rough practice on Thursday night when we struggled to play together as a team. I had brought my Carvin AC175 guitar and it was a disaster; the low E string was too loud and distracting everyone and frustrating me. The issue came to the surface when Brad decided to work the soundboard on Thursday night instead of playing keys. He wasn’t happy with my guitar sound so we worked it but didn’t solve it, so I brought my Larivee (my regular guitar) this morning and it was fine for me, but not Brian or the sound guys who still could hear sounds they didn’t like. When I went next door to the annex do songs with the kids, they checked out my pedal and made some EQ adjustments and resolved the problem before I came back. Aaron made a few more tweaks to the EQ before the service and we were good to go. Interestingly, the problem has existed for quite a while, I introduced it when I removed my EQ pedal which was having connection problems and substituted my idle RPX-400. I bring this up to point out how thankful I am to have to have a team that works together to resolve problems (Guys, you rock!).

Pastor Mark had a challenging sermon about Hagar this morning and a thought provoking final thought:“How many people live a lifetime of pain because somewhere along the line they thought that they were wiser than God.”

The chorus of our new Holy Spirit song this morning connected nicely:

  Spirit of God descend in love,
  And make our hearts Your place of rest;
  For we need wisdom from above,
  And courage as we face life’s test;

Here are the songs we sang:

0 Praise To The Lord, the Almighty 2 Opener-Come to Worship
4441722 German Hymn, Joachim Neander,1650-1680; Arr. By Paul Mills © 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc. (Lifeway Worship Music Group)
-1 He Is Yahweh GITS-Father
3277849 Dean Salyn ©2001 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
0 Praise Him, Alleluia! GITS-Jesus
From Hymns of the Russian Church by Brownlie, John, 1920, lyric revisions and arrangement by Doug Thorsvik ©2007
1 Speak, O Lord Response-Prayer
4615235 Keith Getty & Stuart Townend © 2005 Thankyou Music

SERMON: Choices & Consequences – Genesis 16

1 Spirit of God Descend in Love Prayer-Holy Spirit
Hymns of the Early Church, John Brownlie, 1913, lyric revisions/arrangement by Doug Thorsvik ©2010
-1 Blessed be Your Name Closer-Believe/Trust
3798438 Matt & Beth Redman © 2002 Thankyou Music/PRS, admin. by EMI Christian

0 'We-I' Balance
0 We-I Balance

MLCC 6/13/2010 Leadsheet

Worship Team for today

Leader/Acoustic Guitar/Vocal – Me
Bass – Jody
Electric Drums – Aaron
Vocals – Susan
Sound tech – Greg & Brad

Hope you had a great Sunday too.

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