Sunday Set List #59 6/6/2010


The service went well today. Pastor Mark’s sermon was an excellent reminder that God is the faithful covenant keeper and that our confidence is not in anything we can do but what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Worship in song went smoothly. Brad did an excellent job leading; and the band played and sang well. We really had the platform volume levels down to a reasonable level this morning and it was a nice change. I could hear the congregation singing better than usual which is always an encouragement. We struggle with the volume of the monitors steadily creeping up to levels that are just too loud for us and to properly mix the house. I enjoyed my last Sunday on bass, so it will be back to leading next week.

Here are the songs we did:

1 Hail the Resurrection Day Opener-Come to Worship
From Hymns of the Russian Church by Brownlie, John, 1920: From the Canon for Easter--JOHN OF DAMASCUS, arrangement by Doug Thorsvik ©2007
-1 Famous One GITS-Father
3599431 Chris Tomlin/Jesse Reeves ©2002 Songs / sixsteps Music
1 Who is This GITS-Jesus
5118470 ©Joel Payne/, Administered by The Jubilate Group, UK

SERMON: God Confirms a Promise – Genesis 15:7-21

-1 Holy Spirit, Light Divine Prayer-Holy Spirit
Lyrics Andrew Reed, Music by Doug Thorsvik ©2005
-1 Be Thou My Vision Communion-Repentance/Conf
Eleanor Hull, Mary E Byrne, ©1976 Hughes M Huffman, assigned to Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship

-1 Overwhelmed Communion-Repentance/Conf
Tom Dickson & Joel Weldon ©2000 Little Peach Music
-1 In Christ Alone Closer-Believe/Trust
3350395 © 2001 Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

-3 'We-I' Balance
-3 We-I Balance 
MLCC 6/6/2010 Leadsheet

Worship Team for today

Leader/Acoustic Guitar/Vocal – Brad
Bass – Me
Electric Drums – Brian
Vocals – Dawn and Laurie 
Sound tech – Clint

Hope you had a great Sunday too.

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