A combined service at the Middle School this morning meant packing up all our gear, transporting it, setting it up, sound checking it, and then conducting a rehearsal. We had a few minor technical issues to work through which is par for the course. An 8:30 start and a 10:20 finish allowed enough time for a 10-minute break before the start of the service. And of course we had to pack it all up and bring it home after the service. My hat is off to the sound guys and worship team; you rock!
We are blessed with a singing congregation and today was no exception. For our opener, “Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus,” we had the ladies sing verse 2, the men sing verse 3, and we did the last chorus acapella and it really set the tone for the service. I had some trouble with the guitar intro to “Jesus Paid it All,” but managed to get my act together before we started singing and the rest of the song went without a hitch. I really like the contemporary arrangement; it preserves the content and melody of the original and yet brings fresh musical dynamic.
Pastor Mark opened the sermon with the question: Why do you exist today? How we answer the question is shaping the trajectories of our lives.
“Strong Tower” is a new response song Brad introduced to the congregation last fall and is becoming a new favorite. It was my first time leading it, and thanks to Brian on the drums were able to drive it at the correct tempo. On my own, I would have done it too fast; just like I practiced it at home! This was our second Sunday with “By Faith” and it is tightening up likely; I used it as the sound check song this morning which is probably a contributing factor! It’s strong lyrically and yet it’s one that compels me to sing; Getty and Townend did a great job on it.
We concluded the service with a “crock pot” pot luck meal together and enjoyed good fellowship.
Here is the entire set list:
1 Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus Opener-Come to Worship
Public Domain Eliza E. Hewitt, 1898
1 You Are God Alone GITS-Father
4243463 Billy and Cindy Foote ©2004 Billy Foote Music/ASCAP admin by Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
1 Revelation Song GITS-Jesus
Kari Jobe ©2004 Gateway Create Publishing (Integrity's Praise! Music) CCLI#4447960
-1 Jesus Paid It All Response-To Each Other
Elvina Hall/John T Grape/Alex Nifong © Worshiptogether.com Songs/Six Steps Music(Admin by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
SERMON “The Cultural Mandate” Genesis 2:4-9
-1 Open My Eyes, That I May See Prayer-Holy Spirit
Public Domain Clara H. Scott, 1895
0 Strong Tower Response-To God
Peter Furler & Steve Taylor ©2004 Ariose Music
1 By Faith Closer-Evangelism/Missions
Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend ©2009 Getty Music & Thank You Music CCLI: 5469291
2 'We-I' Balance
Hope you had a great Sunday too!
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