Sunday Set List #41 1/24/2010


We had a great Sunday today. Pastor Mark’s sermon was hard hitting.  As he noted, if we get origins wrong, we get everything wrong. That pretty much explains much of what we see in America today. Plenty of uncanny connections between the songs and the sermon which was a reminder of who is really orchestrating our services!

It was fun to be back on the guitar leading. I led “Holy is the Lord” for the first time; Brad introduced it back in Oct-Nov and I decided it was time to give it a try and the song set the tone for this morning. We introduced “By Faith” for the first time and I can tell by feedback from the worship team and others its going to be a keeper. (I transposed it to the key of G, capo 1 to match key on the Song Discovery CD – so much for leadsheets in three keys none really usable!!! See the link to our leadsheets below) Lyrically strong, musically different than anything else we are doing, and it’s one of those songs you want to sing.

The high point for me was “Spirit”. We’ve done it before but not like today, the arrangement was a true team effort by everyone and really set a tone throughout that elevated the lyrics. The keyboard and 2nd guitar parts were especially tasty. My wife even commented on it which is rare.

Here is the list:

1 Holy is the Lord (We stand and lift up our hands) Opener-Come to Worship
Chris Tomlin & Louie Giglio ©2003
-1 God of Wonders GITS-Father
3118757 Steve Hindalong & Marc Byrd ©2000 New Spring Publishing, Inc./ASCAP
-1 Perfect Lamb Of God GITS-Jesus
4662855 Adam Saks © 2004 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Sovereign Grace Music

SERMON: Discerning the Times – Origins: Where Did I Come From? Genesis 1

1 Spirit Prayer-Holy Spirit
From Hymns of the Russian Church by Brownlie, John, 1920 Arrangement by Doug Thorsvik ©2005
-1 Take My Life And Let It Be Response-Prayer
Frances R Havergal, Wolfgang A Mozart, Public Domain
1 By Faith Closer-Evangelism/Missions
Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend ©2009 Getty Music & Thank You Music CCLI: 5469291

0 'We-I' Balance

MLCC 1/24/2010 Leadsheet

Hope you had a great Sunday too.  God is good!!!

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