Sunday Set List #35 12/13/2009

Most Sundays go well for us, today was exceptional!  The whole service was Christ centeredThe service was packed and that always enhances singing, Christmas songs are well known and that always enhances singing, and it became apparent from the start of our opening song “O Come, All Ye Faithful”.  I could hear the voices from the beginning; we had rehearsed the ending of the song several times to get it right, but I decided to do the chorus acapella on the fly and the voices of the congregation filled the sanctuary. 

Earlier in the week when I was practicing our chord heavy version of “The First Noel”; I decided I wanted a simpler smoother arrangement so I stripped out all the extra ones.  Aaron was especially happy because he had already brought another version of the song after looking at the version we normally use.  We doubled the verses on the First Noel to shorten the song and it worked very well.

We have gotten great feedback on “Revelation Song” and this was our third Sunday in a row (our standard for introducing new songs); Aaron had worked up some new electric guitar parts that added some color and dynamics to the song.  The congregation has this one down.

Pastor Mark had a great sermon from Hebrews; turns out it included the passage I had read from in my devotionals this morning, a definite plus.  I actually read a passage to the congregation from Hebrews that preceded the passage he used which set the tone.  I love it when the Spirit works out the connections as He did with the songs following the sermon.

Here are the songs we did:

1 O Come, All Ye Faithful Christmas/Advent
Public Domain Attr to John F Wade, 1751
1 The First Noel Christmas/Advent
Public Domain, W. Sandys' Christmas Carols 1833, Arr. By John Stainer, 1871
1 Revelation Song GITS-Jesus
Kari Jobe ©2004 Gateway Create Publishing (Integrity's Praise! Music) CCLI#4447960

SERMON: Jesus, the High Priest of a Better Covenant – Hebrews 7:11-28

1 Holy Spirit of Glory Prayer-Holy Spirit
Lyrics by Mark Hudson, arrangement by Doug Thorsvik ©2007
-1 I Cannot Ignore Response-To Each Other
©2001 Jordan Fowler Dropknee/Prologue Worship
1 Celtic Christmas Blessing Christmas/Advent
Keith & Kristyn Getty Copyright © Thankyou Music 2004

4 'We-I' Balance

MLCC 12/13/2009 Leadsheet

Hope you had a great Sunday too!

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