Worship at the park today. It was a great day to be outside and visible in the community: worshipping the Lord and proclaiming the truth. Set up went smooth, no real problems thanks to great preparation by Greg and Brad. I left my iPad at home since it is too bright outside. It was a reminder of how much more effective charts are on my iPad. Brad did a great job of leading, and everyone played and sang well.
No new songs it the mix this morning; all were well know songs and it was reflected in congregational participation. You are in Control was the highlight for me this morning and a fitting closer.
Here are all the songs we did:
-1 Shout to the Lord Opener-Come to Worship
1406918 Darlene Zschech ©1993 Hillsongs of Australia, Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
1 How Great Is Our God GITS-Father
4348399 Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Rivers ©2004 worshiptogether.com Songs
0 It's All About Jesus GITS-Jesus
2675356 Scott Underwood ©1999 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
SERMON: 1 Peter 1:3-11 – Pastor Mark
1 Consuming Fire Prayer-Holy Spirit
3818569 Tim Hughes ©2004 Thankyou Music/PRS/worshiptogether.com/Kingsway Music
-1 The Power Of Your Love Response-Prayer
917491 Geoff Bullock ©1992 WORD Music, a division of Word/Maranatha! Music (ASCAP)
-1 You are in Control Closer-Believe/Trust
2318826 Scott Underwood ©1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing(ASCAP)
MLCC 7/29/2012 Leadsheet PDF for songs above.
Leader/Acoustic Guitar/Vocal – Brad
Acoustic Guitar/Vocal – Dennis
Vocals – Dawn & Teresa
Bass – Doug
Drums – Brian
AV Techs – Greg & Shani
Find out what other songs churches are singing at TheWorshipCommunity.com
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