Sunday Set List #31 11/15/2009

Medical Lake Community Church

It was good to be back after the men’s retreat last weekend.  When it comes to worship, there is no place like home.  A singing congregation is a blessing and we were blessed today.  Brad did a great job of leading and we had another difficulty free Sunday.  All the extra practice for the men’s retreat has really tightened up our sound and that is good, but nothing is more rewarding than everyone singing praises to God together, that always encourages my heart.

Pastor Mark wrapped up his sermon series on Acts connecting it to prayer for the persecuted church.  He pointed out that don’t get persecution in the US because it is foreign to our experience.  His sobering question: “What would you be ready to go to prison for?” is certainly food for thought.

If congregational response is any measure, Mighty to Save has become a favorite; that’s good because of the solid lyrics.  Here is the list:

-1 Shout to the Lord Opener-Come to Worship
1406918 Darlene Zschech ©1993 Hillsongs of Australia, Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
1 Forever GITS-Father
CCLI 81970
0 My Peace GITS-Jesus
38631 Keith Routledge ©1975,1980 Kenwood Music

SERMON: Acts of The Holy Spirit – Remembering Those in Prison – Acts 28:11-31

-1 Come Holy Spirit Prayer-Holy Spirit
26351 Mark Foreman ©1982 Mercy Publishing
1 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Response-To God
3404612 Henry Van Dyke, Ludwig Van Beethoven Arr.©1987, Maranatha! Music.
0 Mighty to Save Closer-Believe/Trust
Reuben Morgan/Ben Fielding ©2006 Hillsong Publishing

0 'We-I' Balance

MLCC 11/15/2009 Leadsheet (decrease font size to correct line breaks)

Pine Lodge Corrections Center for Women

It’s always a pleasure to go out and lead worship at Pine Lodge.  Attendance tonight was back up to normal levels of about 30 which makes for better singing. Chaplain Dave provided a fresh take on a familiar story of Jesus healing the invalid by the pool.  I know I will never see it the same way again; I’m still processing his message.  The music went well; it’s always great to have Brenda on the bass to fill out the lone acoustic guitar.  It was our second time with Revelation Song and the ladies are picking it up pretty good.  I gave away my He Is Yahweh leadsheet when I got a request for the words to the song; that’s always a good sign.  Here are the songs we did tonight:

0 Come Now is the Time to Worship Opener-Come to Worship
2430948 Brian Doerksen ©1998 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)
-1 He Is Yahweh GITS-Father
3277849 Dean Salyn ©2001 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
1 Revelation Song GITS-Jesus
Kari Jobe ©2004 Gateway Create Publishing (Integrity's Praise! Music) CCLI#4447960
-1 Word of God Speak Response-Prayer
Bart Millard & Peter Kipley ©2002 Simpleville Music/ASCAP

SERMON: Do you want to get well? John 5:1-15

-1 I Cannot Ignore Response-To Each Other
©2001 Jordan Fowler Dropknee/Prologue Worship
-1 Walk By Faith Closer-Believe/Trust
3903041 Jeremy Camp ©2002 Thirsty Moon River Publishing Stolen Pride Music (ASCAP)

-3 'We-I' Balance

Hope you had a great Sunday too!

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