We had a great Sunday.
This was the third Sunday for "You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)" and we finally got it right. The pastor's daughter from the youth group bailed us out at practice Thursday night and this morning we had her join the team for the song. It was cool having her sing right up beside her mom! I should have had her come and teach us the part from the beginning since she did it with me when I was doing songs with the youth group.
Thursday night we worked on vocal dynamics for "In Christ Alone" to match the emphasis of the song. I never would have predicted the level engagement of the congregation this morning; we haven't done the song that many times, but their passionate response was nothing short of amazing; God's Spirit was really moving! It was a great end to the service.
You Are Holy (Prince of Peace) Opener-Come to Worship
Marc Imboden ©1994 Imboden Music (Admin. by Music Services) / Martha Jo Publishing (Admin. by Music Services) CCLI
Perfect Lamb Of God GITS-Jesus
4662855 Adam Saks © 2004 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Sovereign Grace Music
Merciful God GITS-Father
1189871 Terry and Randy Butler ©1992 Mercy/Vineyard
SERMON: Acts 2:14-41 (Peter's Sermon at Pentecost) The pastor opened with a story that led up the the question "What would you do if you had 15 minutes to talk about Jesus to and unbeliever that is willing to listen?" It only got better from there.
Wind Of The Spirit Prayer-Holy Spirit
516854 Kerry Eighteen ©1988 Coronation Music
Change My Heart O God Communion-Repentence
Eddie Espinoza ©1982 Mercy Publishing
Jesus Paid It All Response-To Each Other
Elvina Hall/John T Grape/Alex Nifong © Worshiptogether.com Songs/Six Steps Music(Admin by EMI Christian Music
In Christ Alone Closer-Believe/Trust
3350395 © 2001 Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
MLCC 5/3/09 Leadsheet
(I use a custom font so, you will have to make font size smaller to get the line breaks correct)
It was a great evening tonight; we had a good turnout for the service (as usual, some of my students during the week were there). Had one momentary glitch with my guitar in the first chorus of "Hosanna" the high E string hung up on one of the high frets because I was strumming too hard; tried to fix it while keeping the song going and wasn't able to pull it off. It didn't seem to bother anyone; I just pressed on like it didn't happen.
I use some VBA, smoke, and mirrors to build one PowerPoint file for each set of songs from individual song files and on the first set of songs the PowerPoints had a blank slide at the end with Jesus hanging on the cross which was different than all the other backgrounds. I'm using PowerPoint 2007 and couldn't quickly figure out how to get rid of the image (it would have been a breeze in PowerPoint 2003, XP, 2000, or 97), so I left it in. As it turned out when we finished the last song in the set "Indescribable" one of the inmates who was driving the PowerPoints advanced to that last slide with Jesus hanging on the cross while I was still singing the final repeats "You are amazing God!" and all the ladies started cheering when the that slide appeared. It was a moment!!! I love going out to Pine Lodge.
The sermon on King David bringing the Ark into Jerusalem went well, the ladies were engaged and participating as I asked questions and they answered.
The closing set of songs were bold and upbeat which worked well after King David's example of passionate worship. The ladies always respond well to "Rain, Rain, Rain" and have "I Cannot Ignore" down pretty well now too. I didn't originally intend to do "We Believe" but I select the wrong song when I built the leadsheets and didn't catch it until after I printed them out, so I decided to go with it. It was new for them, but it's a real upbeat song and they picked up on it pretty quickly. Fifty minutes is tight for a service and I ran over by about five minutes tonight, so some of the ladies were leaving in the middle of the song. I need to work on my time management so that doesn't happen.
Hosanna (Praise is rising) Opener-Come to Worship
4662491 Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown ©2005 Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP/Thank You Music
Perfect Lamb Of God GITS-Jesus
4662855 Adam Saks © 2004 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Sovereign Grace Music
Indescribable GITS-Father
4403076 LAURA STORY. © 2004 worshiptogether.com songs/sixsteps Music/Gleaning Publishing
SERMON: The Heart of a Worshipper (2 Samuel 6:1-23)
Rain, Rain, Rain Prayer-Holy Spirit
*** S.Dial/K.Lawson ©2002 Cedarstone Music BMI
I Cannot Ignore Response-To Each Other
©2001 Jordan Fowler Dropknee/Prologue Worship
We Believe Closer-Believe/Trust
190689 Graham Kendrick ©1986 Thankyou Music
Check out what songs other churches are singing at FredMcKinnon.Com
Love In Christ Alone- would have loved to hear it!
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