Sunday Set List #2: 4/12/09

We had a combined service at the local high school. We are going to try to do a combined service each quarter this year so everyone can worship together. This was our second one of the year and our first real test of our new portable sound system, a 12 channel system from Carvin, when we used ten channels this morning (good thing we didn't go with the 8 channel system). We started setting up at 9:00 am for a 10:30 service and were ready to go with 5 minutes to spare! I tried to put a set together to bridge the generations represented by the multiple services. It was a success; it was a joy and blessing to see everyone worshipping together. Did several more songs than normal yet the service was only 70 minutes.

Intro by Pastor

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:8-9

Grace Greater Than Our Sin Closer-Believe/Trust
31690 Public Domain Words and Music by Daniel Brink Towner and Julia H. Johnston
I heard this on a Worship Leader Magazine Song Discovery CD. It sounded like a uke was the primary instrument so to approximate that sound I transposed to capo 5 on the acoustic guitar and we added a mando. I also reclaimed the missing verses. We normally use as a closer but for Easter services we move off the normal service template.

Had Pastor do the traditional Easter Greeting: "Christ is risen - He is risen indeed" three times building the volume each time as the lead in to the bold entry point on "Hail the Resurrection" day and it really set a triumphant and joyful tone for the songs to come.

Hail the Resurrection Day Opener-Come to Worship
From Hymns of the Russian Church by Brownlie, John, 1920: From the Canon for Easter--JOHN OF DAMASCUS, arrangement by Doug Thorsvik ©2007
These lyrics caught my attention as I read through Hymns of the Russian Church, so I worked up an arrangement we have been using regularly.
I Am the Resurrection GITS-Jesus
9189 Ray Repp ©1967 UWP. of K&R Music Publishing
Jesus Paid It All Response-To Each Other
Elvina Hall/John T Grape/Alex Nifong © Songs/Six Steps Music(Admin by EMI Christian Music

Sermon: Pastor Mark on the Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10, 1 Peter 1:1-9). The pastor's closing story connected well with our closing songs; especially the last one. We plan independently, yet somehow the Holy Spirit always connects things together better than if I tried to do it intentionally!

Jesus, We Celebrate Your Victory Response-To God
165487 John Gibson ©1987 Thankyou Music
Christ the Lord is Risen Today-Christ is Risen GITS-Jesus
52662 Graham Kendrick ©1986 Thankyou Music/Public Domain Charles Wesley, 1739
Wanted to try something different so, I added the chorus from Graham Kendrick’s "Christ is Risen" between the verses on the classic Easter hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and made the key changes necessary to make it work.
Lord, I Lift Your Name On High Response-To God
117947 Rick Founds ©1989 Maranatha! Music

Hymn Story

Will the Circle be Unbroken Closer-Believe/Trust
Public Domain Words by Ada R. Habershon, 1907
I used the original hymn text from 1907 for this song (verses are really different than the ones I am familar with) with the familiar Carter family tune. We added a mando to give it the right down home county feel. I could see everyone really responding even though it was the first time we had done the song with the congregation.

You can checkout our leadsheets at:

You can check out what songs other churches are singing at:


Enjoyed your breakdowns of each arrangement! Thanks for sharing.

Love the detail here Doug. Thank you for sharing your process.

Nice blend of song choices!

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